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Student Opportunities

The Department of Art and Art History offers students various opportunities to get involved beyond the classroom. With the help of peers and mentors, students will discover new and creative experiences.

It is important for all art history, studio art and graphic design majors and minors to receive academic advice. The advisers will help you to understand the intricacies of fulfilling university, college and departmental requirements. Students should review their progress at least once a year with an adviser.
Art history, studio art and graphic design majors and minors should make an appointment with the AAHD adviser at the same time as their CAS graduation audit to review their departmental records. For problems outside the majors or minors, we recommend you see an adviser in the College of Arts and Sciences Advising Office. 

• Art History: Galina Tirnanic, [email protected],  323 West Wilson Hall.

• Graphic Design: Dho Yee Chung, [email protected], 106 West Wilson Hall.

• Studio Art: Colleen Ludwig, [email protected], 327 West Wilson Hall.


Search and apply for more than 250 OU Scholarships at the underlined link.


The department of Art, Art History and Design also supports several scholarships and awards in studio art, graphic design and art history.


Marion Adams Bunt Endowed Fund

Mark Murphy Endowed Scholarship in Photography

John B. Cameron Endowed Travel Award

The Werner & Hilde Holzbock Endowed Humanities Scholarship

Mildred Matthews Art History Endowed Scholarship

Endowed scholarships can be applied for online at:

Questions on an endowed scholarship? Please contact:
Student Financial Services at North Foundation Hall, Room 120;
email: [email protected]
phone: (248) 370-2550


Study Abroad Travel Award 

Meadow Brook Hall Assistantship  

Service Award in Art and Art History  

Writing Excellence Awards 

Please check the display outside WH 310 for an Art, Art History and Design Awards application.

Travel to Art Museums Grant in Art and Art History
The department supports small grants of $50 to art history, graphic design and studio art majors and minors who travel to art museums as part of their academic study. In order to qualify, the applicant must be a declared art history major, graphic design major, studio art major, art history minor, graphic design minor or studio art minor in good standing, and must have enrolled in classes at Oakland University for two consecutive (fall/winter) semesters. The museum must be located in a city outside a three-hour radius from Oakland University, for example, beyond Detroit, Toledo and Ann Arbor. To apply, the student must complete a grant application form, describe the collection visited, and submit proof of entry into the museum. Obtain grant applications outside the Art, Art History and Design Department Office, 310 West Wilson Hall or download a printable PDF here.

An internship not only provides a real-life experience in the arts, but also provides useful contacts for employment possibilities and recommendations for graduate school.

The department encourages all art history majors to complete AH 3930 Field Experience in Art History and all studio art majors to complete ART 4930 Field Experience in Studio Art.

Students are required to meet with their Field Experience Adviser in the semester before the beginning of the semester in which they wish to intern.

Graphic Design Majors: Propose an Internship for Credit using Oakland University's Handshake.

Additional places to search for internships

Resume and Cover Letter Help

How an internship fits into your academic schedule

Internship for Credit Guidelines


  • All internships require a minimum of 150 hours
  • Need instructor permission
  • Plan one semester ahead
  • Must be junior/senior standing

The department encourages:

  • all Art History majors to complete Field Experience in Art History.
  • all Studio Art majors to complete Field Experience in Studio Art.
  • all Graphic Design majors to complete Internship in Design.

An internship not only provides a real life experience in the arts, but also provides useful contacts for employment possibilities and recommendations for graduate school.

Internship for Credit Workflow: In order to ensure a fair and manageable system to deal with internships, the Art, Art History and Design Department of Oakland University has set forth guidelines to serve as minimum requirements for a student to receive internship credit. All internships require a minimum of 150 hours of work.

Field Experience Course Guidelines: The internship should be purposeful, provide opportunities for reflection, present a continual challenge to the student, and incorporate active learning with the student as an active participant.

Contact your AAH Field Experience Adviser to begin the planning process.

Field Report Guidelines

Contact your AAH Field Experience Adviser to obtain a hard copy of this report.

Due: It is expected that the student will turn in a hard copy of the Final Report and Internship Activity Log to the AAH Field Experience Adviser by the last day of classes in which the student has their internship.

If an internship cannot be completed within one semester, this should be discussed with the AAH Field Experience Supervisor before the end of the semester. “P” or 'progress' grades can be assigned for internships that require more than one semester to complete. However, if a student wants to be considered for a “P” grade, a request should be made three weeks prior to the last day of classes with detailed explanation.

Document Structure:

  • 3-5 typed single spaced pages, not including the cover, bibliography or appendix pages
  • Standard margins and paragraphs
  • Times or Times Roman font in black
  • Page Order:
    • Cover, with name, internship supervisor's name and contact information
    • Table of Contents
    • Bibliography of readings and resources, please include websites where appropriate

Based on Internship Proposal, students are expected to discuss some of the following:

  • Were you personally, academically and professionally prepared for your internship?
  • Were any college courses particularly helpful during the internship?
  • Which courses/experiences do you wish you had prior to the internship?
  • Was the internship useful?
  • Based on your Internship Proposal, did you learn what you expected to learn?
  • Did you like what you were doing?
  • Were there any problems?
  • How was the learning accomplished?
  • How was the communication with your internship supervisor and co-workers?
  • What resources did you use?
  • If you could do your internship over, what specifically would you do differently?
  • In which areas would you like to further your knowledge and skills?
    • Personally?
    • Academically?
    • Professionally?
  • Relate your experiences to the AAH Department Field Experience Objectives.
Internship Guide
  1. Preparing for an internship: Have a current resume and portfolio or writing sample. Visit Career Services for help with resumes and cover letters. Broaden the description of your abilities and emphasize transferable skills that appeal across different jobs. Be sure to note strengths in communication, organization, management and work ethic. When creating your portfolio only include pieces that are your best work and are appropriate to the job you are applying. Your portfolio may have to change depending on the internship. Also, be prepared to talk about your work.
  2. Finding an internship:
    1. 3327e.com/art-arthistory/student-opportunities
    2. 3327e.com/cldc
    3. internships.com
    4. idealist.org
    5. Create your own internship and inquire with museums, galleries, advertising agencies and nonprofits.
    6. Network, ask faculty, alumni and professionals in an area you are interested in to offer suggestions.
  3. Taking an internship:Some internships are offered year-round and others are offered during the summer only, so plan accordingly. If taking an internship for credit you must be junior/senior status and have 16 credits in the major, of which 8 must be at a 300-400 level, and need permission of the instructor. You must speak with the adviser the semester before the intended start date to take an internship for credit. Explore internship opportunities even after graduation to help you get your foot in the door and establish a greater network.
  4. Applying for an internship: Be mindful of application deadlines. Ace the interview with interview tips from career services. After the interview, send a thank you note/email and any additional materials that the interviewer requested within 48 hours.
  5. Making the most of your internship: Ask questions. Assume responsibility. Keep records of your experience. Make contacts and network. Stay in touch with your supervisor and contacts after your internship ends.
Graphix.OU is dedicated to the art of graphic design. From book design to signage, branding to websites and everything in-between, Graphix.OU is dedicated to both process and craft. Join us to discuss the world of graphic design, create materials for around campus, help each other grow as designers, have fun, socialize and eat free food! For information on upcoming events and opportunities, visit the Graphix OU Facebook page, GrizzOrgs page, or contact adviser Dho Yee Chung at [email protected].
We are OU's art club; a community for majors and non majors to share their work, grow their skills and have some fun! For more information, visit GrizzOrgs, or contact the faculty adviser, Colleen Ludwig at  [email protected].

Oakland University Art, Art History and Design

310 West Wilson Hall
Rochester, MI 48309
(location map)
phone: (248) 370-3375
fax: (248) 370-3377