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Oakland Arts Review

The international literary journal by, for, and about undergraduates.


We’re The Oakland Arts Review, an international undergraduate literary and arts journal out of Oakland University in Rochester Hills, Michigan. Our ambition is to become one of the most prominent literary journals publishing undergraduate writers throughout the world.

From all of us here, we would like to thank each and every contributor of the Volume 8, Spring 2023 edition. Our latest edition is hot off the press, and we hope to get it out from our office into your hands soon! We thank everyone for their patience; supply chain delay and administrative issues have slowed us down, but we should be mailing it out soon. This journal would not be made possible without your continued interest and patience.

We are now taking submissions for Volume 9, Spring 2024. Students can submit work for free by going to the Submit page. We accept literary nonfiction, fiction, poetry, comics, and art by talented undergraduates all over the globe. Throw your hat in the ring! We can’t wait to read it.

Oakland Arts Review Volume 9 cover Spring 2024

(Volume 9, Spring 2024 cover)

What’s next?

Volume 8 has been printed, and will soon be mailed out, hot off the presses.

We are thrilled to be receiving our ninth round of submissions from talented writers, and hope you’ll consider adding your voice to the mix.

To request PDF versions of each volume, please email ouartsreview@oakland.edu.

Like the idea of a journal devoted to celebrating young writers? Help us get the word out! You can share this website on Facebook, encourage friends to submit, or send us suggestions and your thoughts about what you’d like to see in an undergraduate journal.

The best thing you can do? Submit. It’s free.

The second best thing? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, and share us with your friends.You also might want to take a look at our most recent volume, Volume 6 Spring 2021. We’re really proud of it.
